Access to the collections

Discover more about our collections
Online access
A significant proportion of our collections are accessible online. Explore our expanding Online Collection. Search our Online Inventory for listings of everything we hold. Or delve into fascinating stories illustrated with images of our objects.
Access our archive and library
Located within the Museum's main building in Chelsea, the Templer Study Centre provides access to our extensive archive and library, as well as offering a range of reading room facilities.

On display
Many of our objects are on public display at the National Army Museum in Chelsea. Others can be seen outside of the Museum through our wide-ranging programme of national and international loans.
Access our stored collections
When not on display, our collections items are stored in a specially designed facility, located just outside London.
Access to stored collections is free and by prior appointment only. Appointments can be made Monday to Thursday, from 10.30am to 12.30pm and from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
If you would like to access material held in our stores, please contact us at to arrange a viewing. Requests must be made at least ten working days in advance and will be accommodated subject to availability.
Researchers can view up to eight items in each session. Exceptions may be made for groups of medals, badges, and prints and drawings at our discretion. Extra items cannot be requested during the research visit. All requests for material must be made in advance of the booked viewing appointment. Please include the collections inventory description and provide object numbers when making a request.
To further assist your enquiry, please provide potential dates and times you are available.
If you have any additional access requirements, please include these at the point of request, so we can ensure that your needs are met.
Borrowing from the National Army Museum
The National Army Museum supports an ambitious programme of loans. By sharing our collections with other organisations, we can make them available to new and diverse audiences around the world.
We consider external requests for the loan of our collections items. These should come from registered and/or accredited institutions, and must adhere to our Loans Out Conditions.
If you would like to borrow any items from our collections, please contact the Museum's Registrar. Enquirers must demonstrate that the objects they want to loan will form an essential part of their display.
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- Phone: 0207 881 2471