Centres of revolt
Following the outbreak of the Indian Mutiny at Meerut in May 1857, uprisings occurred across northern and central India. The main centres of revolt were Delhi, Cawnpore, Lucknow, Jhansi and Gwalior.
For over a year the British struggled to retain their rule during a bloody and often cruel campaign that witnessed atrocities by both sides.
The city of Delhi became the centre of the uprising. It was the seat of Bahadur Shah Zafar, the old and largely powerless Mughal Emperor. The mutineers from Meerut had immediately gone there to ask for his support and leadership, which he reluctantly gave.
Delhi occupied a key strategic position between Calcutta and the new territories of the Punjab. Its recapture was a priority for the British.
11 May 1857
7 June 1857
July-August 1857
14 August 1857
14 September 1857
14-21 September 1857
Cawnpore was a major crossing point on the River Ganges, and an important junction, where the Grand Trunk Road and the road from Jhansi to Lucknow crossed. In June 1857 the sepoys there rebelled and laid siege to Major-General Sir Hugh Wheeler’s garrison.
Wheeler had retreated to an entrenchment outside the city. Nana Sahib, a local ruler who had suffered from the British seizure of his estate, led the rebels. For nearly three weeks, under constant fire and a burning sun, 1,000 Britons awaited rescue.
25 June 1857
15 July 1857
16 July 1857
November 1857
26 November 1857
6 December 1857
'The place was literally running ankle deep in blood, ladies' hair torn from their heads was lying about the floor; poor little children's shoes lying here and there, gowns, frocks and bonnets belonging to these poor creatures scattered everywhere. But to crown all horrors, after they had been killed, and even some alive, all were thrown down a deep well in the compound. I looked down and saw them lying in heaps. I very much fear there are some of my friends included in this most atrocious fiendish of murders.’Major George Bingham at Cawnpore — 1857
The Devil's Wind
The Cawnpore massacre inflamed British feelings. They left the site untouched as a reminder to newly arrived troops. News of the atrocity, and others like it elsewhere, installed a desire for revenge. In the early months of the British recovery few mutineers were captured alive. Thousands were indiscriminately hanged and many innocent civilians killed.
When trials were held, those convicted of mutiny were blown from cannon. It was a cruel punishment with a religious dimension. By blowing the body to pieces the victim lost hope of entering paradise. The people of northern India called the long period of reprisals ‘the Devil’s Wind’.
Situation in Oudh
When news of the rising reached Sir Henry Lawrence, the Chief Commissioner of Oudh, he fortified his Lucknow Residency, and stockpiled supplies, ready for a siege.
Lucknow was the capital of Oudh, a state annexed the year before in a move that caused great resentment. The sepoys rebelled on 30 May 1857 and this was followed by riots in the city.
30 June 1857
4 July 1857
26 September 1857
16 November 1857
22 November 1857
1 March 1858
5 March 1858
14 March 1858
'Inch by inch they were forced back to the pavilion... where they were all shot or bayoneted. There they lay in a heap as high as my head, a heaving mass of dead and dying inextricably entangled. It was a sickening site, one of those which even in the excitement of battle and the flush of victory, make one feel strongly what a horrible side there is to war. The wounded could not get clear of their dead comrades, however great their struggles... and vented their rage and determination on every British officer who approached, by showering upon him abuse of the foulest description.'Field Marshal Lord Roberts recalling the assault on Secundra Bagh — 1897
Central India
Opposition to British control of central India centered on Jhansi, where Rani Lakshmi Bai opposed the annexation of her state. In June 1857 the Bengal Army regiments stationed in central India mutinied. The Gwalior Contingent, a force in the service of the pro-British Maharajah Sindia, joined them.
On 5 June, British officers, civilians and Indian servants who were sheltering in Jhansi fort, were killed by the Rani’s men. The rebels had offered to spare their lives if they surrendered, and it was believed that the Rani had guaranteed their safety.
December 1857
5 February 1858
24 March 1858
3 April 1858
May 1858
June 1858
17 June 1858
19 June 1858
Political changes
The rebel defeat in Gwalior effectively ended the rising. The British quickly took steps to prevent any further unrest.
The Company was abolished and the government of India transferred to the British Crown. A secretary of state for India was appointed and the Crown's viceroy became head of the government.
Bahadur Shah was tried for treason and sentenced to exile in Burma. He died there in 1862, bringing the Mughal dynasty to an end. In 1877 Queen Victoria was crowned Empress of India in his place.
The British also began to employ higher caste Indians and rulers in the government. More Indians were recruited to the Civil Service. The British also stopped taking rulers' lands and no longer interfered with religion.

Coat worn by the Viceroy's heralds at the Delhi assembly that proclaimed Queen Victoria as Empress of India
Military reform
To safeguard British rule, the ratio of British to Indian soldiers was increased. The army was reorganised so that it needed its British components to function effectively.
Indian soldiers were issued with a rifle that was inferior to that of their British counterparts and given limited logistical support. Control of artillery, crucial to the rising’s outcome, remained in British hands. In effect the sepoys became auxiliaries to British soldiers.
Recruitment also changed, with Punjabi Muslims, Sikhs, Gurkhas, Baluchis and Pathans replacing high-caste Hindus from the Ganges Valley - now distrusted due to their role in the mutiny. A more diverse army would be less likely to unite and rebel.