Loans Out Policy
The Council of the National Army Museum ('the Museum') welcomes requests to borrow objects from the collection for inclusion in exhibitions or displays at other UK Accredited or Registered museums and galleries (or a recognised overseas equivalent). The Museum recognises this as an important way of facilitating access to the Museum's collection, reaching new audiences and inspiring learning and enjoyment in line with our Royal Charter.
This policy covers the loan out of objects for temporary exhibition and long-term display. This policy does not apply to the loan of objects for conservation, digitisation or for transport between Museum sites.
The Museum considers loan requests for the following reasons:
- to make its collection accessible to new and diverse audiences in the UK and internationally.
- to help tell the story of Our Army through its collections.
- to further knowledge and scholarship relating to the objects in its care.
- to enhance the reputation of the Museum and foster relationships with other heritage institutions and organisations.
When considering a loan request the Museum will take the below into consideration:
- the reasonable expectations of its visitors and other regular audiences;
- the rarity and significance of the objects to the exhibition or display in question;
- the proposed display and interpretation of our collection;
- the safety and security of objects;
- the Museum’s existing and/or future display plans for the objects
Final decisions are made by the Museum’s Director, with the support of the Assistant Director (Collections and Public Programmes) and the Head of Collections Standards and Care. Decisions on loans of particularly high value or sensitive objects may be considered at a higher level.
The Museum is committed to combatting illicit trade and will not loan to any exhibition which includes objects known or reputed to have been stolen, illegally exported or illegally imported from its country of origin as defined in the Unesco Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property 1970.
The Museum will only lend to UK museums and galleries which have been granted full or provisional Accredited status by Arts Council England or can otherwise prove that they are able to achieve the standards of security and environmental care required for the objects requested. International borrowers must hold a recognised status under their own national scheme, or prove they are able to meet the standards of care required. In all circumstances, Loans will only be made to borrowers that are accessible to the general public.
Loans to non-museum venues
The Museum may, subject to site assessments, agree to loan objects to non-museum venues. These requests shall be considered by the Museum’s Director with the support of the Assistant Director (Collections and Public Programmes) and the Head of Collections Standards and Care.
Long-terms loans
Objects approved for long-term loan will be placed under a loan agreement for no longer than 3 years at which point a renewal may be requested by the borrower. Where a renewal is requested the borrower shall provide to the Museum up to date information as outlined in the Museum’s Loans Out Conditions ahead of approving a renewal.
Loan conditions
Loan requests approved by the Director are in principle only and are subject to compliance with the Museum’s Loans Out Conditions.