Formation gallery

Exploring historic Army roles in the Formation gallery

Delve into the origins and historic roles of Britain’s army. Learn about its character and the values that continue to motivate its soldiers.

About the gallery

The Formation gallery brings to life the origins and traditions of Britain’s army.

Starting amid the political turmoil of the 1600s, it goes on to outline the Army’s evolving role on the home, European and world stage.

The gallery also explores soldiers' motivations, highlighting their commitment to upholding the values and traditions of this extraordinary organisation.

  • Around 30 minutes

  • Via the main lift

  • Floor -2

Plan your visit
‘The soldier’s pride and loyalty are not first to the Army as a whole, but to his own corps or regiment... They hold him when more distant, wider loyalties could not.’
Field Marshal Sir William Slim1952

Gallery stories


A Grand Review of the Army at Hounslow Heath, 1687

This detailed drawing by Willem van de Velde the Elder portrays one of the earliest formal musterings of the Army. Here, we take a closer look at this grand spectacle that allowed King James II to flex his political and military muscle.


Waterloo coatee’s provenance confirmed

In 2015, the National Army Museum was presented with a rare coatee worn by Major Thomas Harris at the Battle of Waterloo. A combination of historical evidence and modern forensic analysis was used to confirm its authenticity.


The Sovereign’s soldiers

Whether participating in ceremonial events, visiting deployed troops, operating as regimental figureheads or personally serving in the Army, members of the Royal Family provide a constant and visible link between soldiers and their sovereign.