Soldier gallery

Visitors in Soldier gallery

Explore the human experience of soldiering - physical, mental and emotional - throughout the Army’s history.

About the gallery

The Soldier gallery examines what it’s like to serve as a soldier, from joining up and training to daily life and returning home.

It looks at the demands of transitioning into the Army, life on campaign, the physical and psychological impact of combat, and the lasting friendships born out of shared service.

It also shows how the human experience of soldiering has remained remarkably unchanged across more than 350 years of Army history.

  • Around 45 minutes

  • Via the main lift

  • Floor 0

Plan your visit
‘The people in the Army are different. We seem to have a different sense of humour... The comradeship and the camaraderie – that’s why I think some people have problems going home after it all.’
Major Patsy Beesley, Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps2013

Gallery stories


The unsolved mystery of the Thames VC

A Victoria Cross found on the shores of the River Thames in 2015 is the subject of an ongoing mystery. Research has since narrowed down the list of possible owners to two heroic soldiers of the Crimean War.


A soldier relating his exploits in a tavern, 1821

This painting depicts a Waterloo veteran regaling his fellow tavern-goers with tales of past glory. Here, we take a closer look to discover what the artwork tells us about soldiers and society in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.


The original bulletproof vest?

During the First World War, Private Stephen Palmer was sent an Oxo tin that ended up saving his life. Here, we delve deeper into his story and explore some other soldiers' unconventional life-saving possessions.