Learning resources

Explore a selection of resources designed to support young people’s learning needs in the classroom, at home or during a visit to the Museum.
Soldiers of the British West Indies Regiment, France, 1916

West Indian Soldier: Interactive Timeline

Explore the history of Caribbean people in the British Army, and of the British Army in the Caribbean, through an interactive timeline.

Women of the West Indies Auxiliary Territorial Service, c1944

Virtual Exhibition: West Indian Soldier

Explore the history of Caribbean people in the British Army, and of the British Army in the Caribbean, through this virtual tour of the West Indian Soldier exhibition.

BlackPoppyRose at the National Army Museum

BlackPoppyRose at the National Army Museum

Explore the theme of remembrance and the service of African and Caribbean men and women in the British Army with BlackPoppyRose.

British soldiers and locals watch the burning of Belsen, May 1945

The Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

Explore the British Army's liberation of Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and the substantial relief effort which followed.

The Unknown Warrior prior to embarkation at Boulogne, 1920

Virtual Exhibition: The Unknown Warrior

Discover the extraordinary story of the First World War’s Unknown Warrior through our virtual exhibition.

Take a view on society's relationship with the Army

Take a view on society’s relationship with the Army

Explore society's opinions of the Army, its operations and the soldiers who serve in it; and consider how and why society's attitudes fluctuate.

Take a view on soldiers

Take a view on soldiers

Explore the real people serving as soldiers, their reasons for joining, and the lasting impact their roles can have on their lives.

Take a view on the Army's role

Take a view on the Army’s role

Explore what the Army does and why, from fighting in sometimes contentious conflicts to the specialist support and skills it can provide.