Leave a Legacy

Thinking of leaving a gift in your Will?

At the National Army Museum, we depend on the generosity of our supporters. Any gift, no matter the size, makes a meaningful contribution to our ongoing work and is gratefully received.

Why the National Army Museum?

Our soldiers have shaped our communities, our nations and our world. During more than 350 years of unbroken service to the Crown, they have defended the British Isles, fought major wars in Europe and deployed across every continent.

These men and women have come from all walks of life and all parts of Britain and Ireland, across the former British Empire and the Commonwealth, and beyond. We tell their diverse stories through our unique collections, combining authenticity with empathy. Whether famous leaders or youthful cadets, fighting battles or serving behind the lines, achieving great things or fulfilling their duties without fanfare, we believe that all their stories matter.

The National Army Museum explores their lives and legacies so that our visitors can understand, reflect on and be inspired by their history and heritage.

We constantly strive to tell new stories, safeguard and expand our collections, and share them with ever more people. To do this, we rely on the generosity of individuals and organisations who share our vision and passion.

Why make a Will?

Through a Will, you can ensure that the people and causes you care about are supported in the future. Planning ahead gives you peace of mind and means you avoid complications later which may affect your loved ones.

Remembering the National Army Museum specifically can help us build and care for our remarkable collections, support our innovative exhibitions and deliver learning, outreach and research programmes.

All charitable gifts are, in general, free from Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Income Tax, so the sum of your Legacy will reach the National Army Museum in full.

What is our promise to you?

We recognise that planning for the future can be hard. We want to reassure you that your wishes, privacy and peace of mind are important to us.

We value all gifts that are left to us, and you are under no obligation to tell us about your plans in advance. If you do choose to let us know, you will not be put under any pressure. We will always do our best to meet your wishes, such as if you want your Legacy to be put towards a specific area of the Museum’s work.

If you choose to leave a gift, you and your loved ones are always welcome to come and see how your support is benefitting the Museum by arranging a visit with our staff.

Finally, please remember that if you do intend to give a Legacy, you will never be under any lasting obligation. We recognise that circumstances change, and you can amend your Will at any time.

If you wish to learn more, please email us at fundraising@nam.ac.uk

How do I make a Will and what type of Legacy gift is best for me?

It can be quick and easy to make or amend a Will. You can find out more from Citizens Advice.

We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a solicitor when you come to planning, writing, reviewing or amending your Will, as they can help guide you through the process and ensure your wishes are fulfilled.

There are a number of ways to leave a Legacy in your Will. It could be a share of your estate, a gift of money or specific items of property.

The technical terms for these are:

Residuary Legacy: A gift of all or part of your net estate (what remains after all taxes, specific gifts and the cost of administering the estate have been paid). This type of Legacy should be expressed as a percentage or share of your estate.

Pecuniary Legacy: A fixed sum of money. It is worth bearing in mind that inflation can erode the value of pecuniary Legacies, so it is worth reviewing your Will on a regular basis, whether or not your circumstances change.

Specific Legacy: A gift of a specific item or asset, such as shares or jewellery.

Is there any specific wording I should use?

If one of these types of Legacy suits you, you can use one of the templates below in your Will:

Residuary Legacy: 'I give to the National Army Museum of Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London SW3 4HT Registered Charity Number 237902 [insert percentage]% of the residue of my estate to be used by the Museum at its discretion and the receipt of the Director or the proper officer for the time being of the National Army Museum shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.'

Pecuniary Legacy: 'I give to the National Army Museum of Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London SW3 4HT Registered Charity Number 237902 the sum of £[insert sum] to be used by the Museum at its discretion and the receipt of the Director or the proper officer for the time being of the National Army Museum shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.'

Specific Legacy: 'I give absolutely to the National Army Museum of Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London SW3 4HT Registered Charity Number 237902 the following [insert details of specific items or assets] to be used by the Museum at its discretion and the receipt of the Director or the proper officer for the time being of the National Army Museum shall be a complete discharge to my Executors.’

Get in touch

We hope you will consider leaving a Legacy to the National Army Museum, and we’d be happy to talk further about how your support will benefit our future.

For more details, or if you wish to let us know you have left a Legacy donation to us, please contact us by email (fundraising@nam.ac.uk) or by telephone (0207 8812464).