Join Professor Stephen Conway to discuss the successes of the American War of Independence from the perspective of the British Army.
In this fascinating talk, British ‘defeat’ in the War of American Independence will be reappraised. The outcome of the war was determined not on the battlefield in America but elsewhere.
Despite the failure to prevent American independence, the British ended up in a much stronger position than is usually appreciated. As well as the war-waging efficiency of the British Army, which is often questioned in light of the American War of Independence, the war also impacted on British national identity, in its economy, culture and society.
About the speaker
Stephen Conway is Emeritus Professor of History at University College London. He has published extensively on the American Revolution and the British Army in the 18th century.
Join Dr Krysten Blackstone to discuss the ways in which rebelling American soldiers expressed dissatisfaction, while also upholding the ideals of the Revolution.
Hear from Dr Megan King as she recounts the decade leading up to the American War of Independence, as ideological resistance became the first battleground.