The Danger Tree

Immerse yourself in personal stories from the First World War with this captivating display of oil paintings and augmented reality.
Immerse yourself in personal stories from the First World War with this captivating display of oil paintings and augmented reality.

Created by painter Scarlett Raven and digital artist Marc Marot, The Danger Tree brings to life the stories of soldiers who fought in the First World War.

The exhibition takes its name from the only tree left standing on the battlefield at Beaumont-Hamel, and features original oil paintings evoking the devastation of the conflict.

Behind these multi-layered pieces are soldiers' stories narrated by actors like Sean Bean and Christopher Eccleston. Featuring the work of celebrated war poets Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, The Danger Tree explores themes of loss, honour and hope.

Danger Tree exhibition

Use the tablets and headphones provided in the gallery to unlock these layers and interact with the soldiers' experiences. Alternatively, download the free Artivive app to your own personal device - through the App Store (for iOS) or Google Play (for Android) - then simply scan the art.

Limited editions will be available to purchase via Castle Fine Art in the Museum shop for the duration of the exhibition.

Video and image credits: © Washington Green 2019