Embroidered Christmas cards

Make your own festive greetings card inspired by the First World War Christmas cards in our collection in this free family workshop.
Embroidering Christmas postcards
Make your own festive greetings card inspired by the First World War Christmas cards in our collection in this free family workshop.

During the First World War, many soldiers spent the Christmas period far away from their families and friends. One way of easing this sense of separation was by sending letters and postcards to their loved ones back home.

Embroidered silk postcards became hugely popular with First World War soldiers. Made by unemployed civilians and refugees in war-stricken areas of France and Belgium, they were originally embroidered by hand. Some examples had a silk pocket, which contained a written note or letter.

Make your own card for your loved ones this Christmas. You can try your hand at embroidery or get creative with fabric pens, using our historic cards as inspiration.

Sessions run from 11am to 1pm and from 2pm to 4pm.

Collect a free ticket from the Welcome Desk. Places are limited and available on a first come first served basis. 

Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult.