Join Dr Matthew Spring as he examines how the British Army approached the American War of Independence.
Matthew Spring will explore how the British Army fought in the American War of Independence, down to the tactical and operational level.
Many myths about the Army’s supposed incompetence and inability to adapt to the American theatre persist to this day. In this talk, these myths will be evaluated and dispelled, showing how the British Army actively adapted to fighting their American adversaries in an unfamiliar terrain and what lessons they learnt from this.
About the speaker
Dr Matthew Spring is Head of History at Truro School, Cornwall. He is the author of 'With Zeal and With Bayonets Only: The British Army on Campaign in North America, 1775-1783'.
Join Dr Krysten Blackstone to discuss the ways in which rebelling American soldiers expressed dissatisfaction, while also upholding the ideals of the Revolution.