
Connect with our collections
Research guides

What the Museum holds

How to research a former soldier

How to research our collections

Templer Study Centre
Visit our Templer Study Centre to research the history of the British Army and learn more about its impact on the wider world.
Search our collections online

Irish soldiers’ records
Search the enlistment books of five British Army regiments disbanded on the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922.
Collections access and advice

Access to the collections
Borrowing from the National Army Museum

Donating to the Collection
How to submit an enquiry
If you have a question regarding the National Army Museum's collections, you can submit an enquiry through our contact form, by sending an email to, or by writing to:
Collections Enquiries
National Army Museum
Royal Hospital Road
London SW3 4HT
The National Army Museum does not have the capacity to respond to individual enquiries that are not directly related to the Museum’s collections. We continue to encourage enquirers to book to see our library and archive collections through the Templer Study Centre in Chelsea, or for our other collection types at our Collections Centre in Stevenage.