Schoolboy in front of a British Army scout car West Germany, 1961
On 25 August 1945, Field Marshal Montgomery's 21st Army Group was renamed the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). It was made responsible for the occupation and administration of the British Zone in north-west Germany.
The BAOR was now faced with occupying a conquered and destroyed nation, and dealing with a population who for six years had fought bitterly against their new occupiers.
In this insightful talk, Dr Thomas Brodie will examine how the soldiers of the BAOR were viewed by the Germany people after the Second World War. He will look at the encounters between these two groups and consider how their relationship developed over time.
Dr Thomas Brodie is a historian of Modern Europe and focuses primarily on Germany during the Nazi and post-war periods. His first book, 'German Catholicism at War, 1939-45', explored the social and cultural histories of religion on Germany's Home Front during the Second World War. He currently teaches a range of courses on 20th-century European history.