Memories from the Frontline

Memories from the Frontline: Memoirs and Meanings of The Great War from Britain, France and Germany
Jerry Palmer shows how soldiers' personal accounts of their experiences have helped shape public memory of the First World War.

The distinguishing feature of soldiers' accounts is their authenticity as witnesses to what actually happened during the war. It is this feature that impressed the public at the time and provided an alternative viewpoint to the official narratives of war.

In this talk, Jerry Palmer will look at a range of soldier narratives, from those that emphasise the horror of warfare to those that stress the positives, such as patriotic devotion to duty and the courage of the troops. He will also contrast how the First World War is remembered in Britain, France and Germany, and pay particular attention to the differences in commemorative practices.

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"First time @NAM_London today. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible..."