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On arrival, collect a casualty card to find out your illness or injury. Then discover how you would have been treated in different eras.
Don't miss the Casualties Union who will be on hand to provide fake battle wounds.
11am - 5pm
Get up close with real-life leeches and discover how they were used to treat soldiers on the bloody battlefields of the English Civil War.
11am - 5pm
Get hands on with objects from the Crimean War and find out more about the work of Florence Nightingale.
11am - 5pm
Speak to a First World War military doctor and find out how he dealt with casualties on the Western Front.
11am, 12.30pm, 3pm
Meet a Second World War nurse and hear her experiences of D-Day and beyond.
11am - 5pm
Climb aboard a battlefield ambulance and speak to serving soldiers from 256 City of London Field Hospital about their work and equipment. You can even meet a military working dog and their handler.
Then, speak to soldiers from 221 Explosive Ordnance Disposal & Search Field Squadron. They will demonstrate their important roles in bomb disposal, including first-response treatment of casualties.
2pm - 3pm
Renowned military historian Gareth Glover talks about Napoleonic surgery, illustrating his talk with hospital sketches and reports on the wounded of Waterloo.
3pm - 3.45pm
Join Colonel Ashleigh Boreham, Commanding Officer of the 256 (City of London) Field Hospital and Trustee of the Museum for Military Medicine, for a presentation on the organisation of the Army Medical Services within a historical context to present day.
11am - 1pm, 2pm - 4pm
Discover how the Army has been a source of medical innovations and invent your own life-saving device in our family-friendly workshop.