Donating to the Collection
Developing the Collection
The National Army Museum holds the world’s largest, and most significant, collection of objects and archives relating to the British Army and other Land Forces of the British Crown (including the former Indian Army until 1947). It consists of over one million items, spanning a 600-year period.
The Collection is continuously developing as new items are acquired, many through the generosity of individuals in the form of private donations.
Donations process
What we collect
We actively collect material relating to ordinary soldiers, women and men, who have served with the British Army including the armies of the former British Empire and Commonwealth. This can include published and unpublished personal manuscripts and records, uniform, badges, medals, equipment, weapons and artwork. We are particularly interested in army service material from post-1945 until the present day, so we can reflect today’s Army in our collections.
We consider all offers based on their condition, relevance, display potential, provenance and potential future use. For more information, see our Collections Development Policy.
What we need to know
We ask all potential donors to provide as much information as possible about their items, so we are able to assess them effectively.
- What is being offered - preferably an itemised list including title, description and date (where known). Please detail any markings on 3D objects.
- Provenance - Where do the items come from? How did you come by them?
- History - What can you tell us about the original owner (if anything)?
- Images - photographs or scans help us to assess condition and content.
How we decide
All donation offers which meet the criteria of the Collections Development Policy will be referred to the Collections Development Group for a final decision to acquire. The Group meets every six weeks on average. As such, there may be a delay before we are able to provide potential donors with a decision.
How to get in touch
If you wish to offer us items as a donation, please complete our Donation enquiry form. Alternatively, you can send your information to:
Curatorial Team
National Army Museum
Royal Hospital Road
London SW3 4HT
Please ensure that your contact details are included with any material deposited with us.
When to expect a response
We will endeavour to reply to you within 20 working days of receipt. Please do not send or deliver items to us before we confirm that we are able to accept them.
Other things to note
- We prefer to acquire copyright with an item, where possible.
- We will not acquire photocopies or scans of originals, except in rare circumstances.
- We cannot guarantee to put an item on display.
- We are unable to accept unsolicited loans.
- Some items may be more suitable for regimental museums. You can search for these museums using the Army Museums Ogilby Trust website.
- We are not able to provide valuations.