The Indian ‘Mutiny’?

Analyse evidence from sources and artefacts to make a case for how the 1857 uprising in India should be interpreted.
School children examining artefacts relating to the Indian Mutiny

Analyse evidence from sources and artefacts to make a case for how the 1857 uprising in India should be interpreted.

What's your verdict: mutiny, rebellion or war of independence?

Examine the social and political environment in India during East India Company rule, and how a particular set of circumstances sparked what came to be known as the Indian Mutiny in 1857.

Learners investigate a range of archival sources and handling objects, and discuss how these can be used as evidence to support different interpretations of the uprising.

This session is 60 minutes long and includes:

  • Historic images and artefacts
  • Source analysis
  • Group working and presentation
  • Peer-to-peer learning
  • Gallery visit (optional)

Curriculum areas:

  • History