Mission accomplished? Examining First World War battles

Investigate four key battles through primary sources and decide whether they can be considered victories or defeats.
Is one person's victory another's defeat?
Using our extensive handling collection of artefacts, learners explore how technical and strategic innovations developed during the First World War, especially focusing on the Somme, Gallipoli, Megiddo and Cambrai.
Through analysing sources and interpreting historic documents, learners can understand the challenges and dangers faced by everyday soldiers, as well as the diversity of environments fought in, and backgrounds of the soldiers fighting.
This unique workshop provides learners with the opportunity to use primary evidence to construct and present a convincing historical argument to peers.
This session is 60 minutes long and includes:
- Handling objects (including weaponry)
- Archival materials
- Historic images
- Group working and presentation
- Peer-to-peer learning
- Gallery visit and related trails (optional)
Curriculum areas:
- History