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Glengarry badge, other ranks’, 81st (Royal Lincoln Volunteers) Regiment of Foot, c1874
This line infantry regiment was raised in 1793 and continued in British Army service until 1881 when it was merged into The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire).
Glengarry badge, 91st (Princess Louise's Argyllshire Highlanders) Regiment, c1874
This Scottish infantry regiment was raised in 1794. It served with the British Army until the 1881 reforms, when it was merged into Princess Louise’s (Argyll and Sutherland) Highlanders.
Glengarry badge, other ranks, 53rd (Shropshire) Regiment, c1874
This regiment was raised in 1755. It served in many British Army campaigns until 1881, when it was merged into The King’s Light Infantry (Shropshire Regiment).
Glengarry badge, 68th (Durham) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry), c1874
This infantry unit was raised in 1758. It served until the 1881 Army reforms, when it was merged into The Durham Light Infantry.
With friends like these: The Germans
In this video, we look at how changing national interests have affected Britain's military relationship with Germany from the 18th century to the present day.
‘Welcome to the Irish Republic, Sir!’ A British infantry patrol lost on the border with Northern Ireland, 1988
The British Army has played a central role in the long history of conflict and co-operation between Britain and Ireland. Here we explore some of the key moments in this difficult but fascinating story.
Battle of Aliwal, 1846
This battle was fought on 28 January 1846 during the First Sikh War. A British-Indian force took on the Sikh army of the Punjab. It ended in a decisive British victory and is seen by some as a ‘near perfect battle’.
Other ranks cap badge, The Suffolk Regiment, c1916
This infantry unit was raised in 1685 and subsequently served in many British Army campaigns during its long history. In 1959, it was amalgamated with The Royal Norfolk Regiment to form the 1st East Anglian Regiment.
The charge of the Heavy Brigade at Balaclava, 1854
Cavalry charges might win a battle, but with poor leadership they could end in disaster. Many are remembered and celebrated because of the risk involved, whether successful or not.
German propaganda leaflet, 1943
Separation from loved ones is among the hardest things a soldier has to deal with. Lengthy campaigns have kept husbands from their wives and parents from their children.
With friends like these: The Americans
In this video, we look at how changing national interests have affected Britain's military relationship with the United States from the 18th century to the present day.
Shako plate, 40th (2nd Somersetshire) Regiment, c1855
This infantry unit was formed in 1717. It continued in service until the 1881 British Army reforms, when it became part of The Prince of Wales’s Volunteers (South Lancashire Regiment).