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On This Day: 1945

Explore On This Day: 1945 stories

Troops boarding storm boats and crossing the Rhine at dawn, 24 March 1945

On This Day: March 1945

In March 1945, British soldiers crossed the Rhine and advanced into Germany. Securing victory in Europe was now only a matter of time.

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Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin at the Yalta Conference, 1945

On This Day: February 1945

In February 1945, as the fighting continued on all fronts, formal plans began to take shape for how the world would look once the war was won.

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Sherman tanks in the town of Asten in the Netherlands, January 1945

On This Day: January 1945

In January 1945, the overarching priority for the Army remained winning the war, and – for its soldiers in Europe at least – seeing off the cold, wintry weather.

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British Army Commandos in the snow, January 1945

Endgame: January–April 1945

As the Second World War entered its final phase, the British Army and its allies were poised to make significant advances in Italy, Germany and Burma. Yet the complex challenges of the peace now came ever more sharply into focus.

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"First time @NAM_London today. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible..."