Art and Literature

Explore Art and Literature stories

‘The Dead Soldier’, 1832

With deepest sympathies

Among the most poignant items in the Museum’s archive are letters relating to soldiers’ deaths. Here, we showcase some particularly moving examples, revealing the insights behind the powerful stories they tell.

A soldier writing home while leaning against a ruined wall, Liévin, c1917

In Their Own Words: Stories from the Archive

The National Army Museum's Archive and Library are full of personal stories. Captured in letters, diaries, memoirs and oral histories, these narratives provide valuable insights into the experiences of soldiers and the history of the Army.

Detail from 'A Grand Review of the Army at Hounslow Heath, 1687'

A Grand Review of the Army at Hounslow Heath, 1687

This detailed drawing by Willem van de Velde the Elder portrays one of the earliest formal musterings of the Army. Here, we take a closer look at this grand spectacle that allowed King James II to flex his political and military muscle.

Detail from 'Destruction of the Floating Batteries, Gibraltar, 14 September 1782'

Destruction of the Floating Batteries, Gibraltar, 14 September 1782

This painting by George Carter captures a pivotal moment in the Siege of Gibraltar, a contest for control of this strategic Mediterranean base during the American War of Independence.

Detail from 'Troops of the Royal West African Frontier Force in the Arakan, Burma, 1944'

Troops of the Royal West African Frontier Force in the Arakan, Burma, 1944

This painting by Captain Hugh Micklem depicts West African soldiers on campaign in Burma (now Myanmar) during the Second World War.

Detail from 'The Battle of Blenheim, 13 August 1704'

The Battle of Blenheim, 13 August 1704

This work of art depicts the final stages of the Battle of Blenheim. It was painted by John Wootton around 40 years after the event. Here, we take a closer look to discover more about this key moment in European history.

Detail from the painting 'Inside Mastiff 33A'

Inside Mastiff 33A (‘Withdrawing, We Don’t Retreat’), February 2010

This painting by Jules George captures the claustrophobic conditions inside a British patrol vehicle during the war in Afghanistan.

Detail from 'Home Again, 1858'

Home Again, 1858

This painting by Henry Nelson O'Neil captures the moment soldiers and their families are reunited after a long spell of separation. Here, we take a closer look at the artwork to gain a 19th-century insight into this often neglected aspect of military life.

Detail from 'The King’s Shilling, c1770'

The King’s Shilling, c1770

This painting depicts an army recruiting party going about its business at an English country fair. Here, we take a closer look at the artwork to learn more about 18th-century recruitment and its impact on volunteers and their loved ones.

A soldier relating his exploits in a tavern, 1821

A soldier relating his exploits in a tavern, 1821

This painting depicts a Waterloo veteran regaling his fellow tavern-goers with tales of past glory. Here, we take a closer look to discover what the artwork tells us about soldiers and society in the wake of the Napoleonic Wars.

'Dawn of Waterloo', by Lady Elizabeth Butler, 1895

Dawn of Waterloo

This emotive oil painting is one of the highlights of our Conflict in Europe gallery. Details revealed during four months of specialist conservation have enhanced our understanding of the artist, Lady Butler, and her empathy for the ordinary soldier.

Rex Whistler’s self-portrait, May 1940

Rex Whistler’s self-portrait, May 1940

This self-portrait is one of many depictions of Second World War soldiers on display at the National Army Museum. Here, we take a closer look at the painting to discover more about Whistler's life as an artist and soldier.

Explore Art and Literature events

Visitors in 'The Story of Soldier Magazine' display
4 Feb 2025 - 6 Jul 2025 FREE

The Story of Soldier Magazine

For 80 years, the journalists of ‘Soldier’ magazine have stood side by side with British Army troops to record seminal moments in our history. The short film in this display celebrates that contribution.

Family participating in a workshop
27-28 May 2025 FREE

Mission Magazine: Create Your Own Cover

Take inspiration from 'Soldier', the official magazine of the British Army, to design your very own magazine front cover.

Children on a family tour
29-30 May 2025 FREE

Marching Orders: Powerful Posters

Take part in a free, family-friendly gallery tour as we investigate posters that have made a lasting impact.

People feeling the textures of items in the handling collection
6 Jul 2025 FREE

Victorian Art: Sensory Tour

Explore our forthcoming exhibition ‘Myth and Reality: Military Art in the Age of Queen Victoria’ through a sensory tour guided by our Community Engagement Team.

People feeling the textures of items in the handling collection
18 Jul 2025 FREE

Victorian Art: Sensory Tour

Explore our forthcoming exhibition ‘Myth and Reality: Military Art in the Age of Queen Victoria’ through a sensory tour guided by our Community Engagement Team.

Cigar box, 1900
26-27 Jul 2025 £100.00

Embroidery Course: Victorian Art

Elevate your embroidery skills on this two-day course inspired by the Museum’s collection and led by experts from Hand & Lock, London’s premier embroidery house.

‘Patient Heroes’, a Royal Horse Artillery gun team in action, 1882
30 Aug 2025 £2.00

Victorian Art: BSL Tour

Follow expert guide Edward Richards on a British Sign Language (BSL) tour of our forthcoming exhibition ‘Myth and Reality: Military Art in the Age of Queen Victoria’.

Explore Art and Literature learning resources

Mini Mission: Music Makers
Home Activity

Mini Mission: Music Makers

Music has been part of Army life for a long time! Get your grown-ups involved and try this Mini Mission at home.