The Archaeology of Cold War Intelligence

Join Charlotte Yelamos as she discusses how archaeological methods and theories can be applied to the study of intelligence gathering during the Cold War.
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In this talk, Charlotte Yelamos uses archaeological analysis to explore the British Commanders’-in-Chief Mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany (Brixmis) and its efforts to gather military intelligence during the Cold War.
She will examine a range of material relating to Brixmis, including reconnaissance vehicles, kit and equipment, observation points, Soviet military sites and the landscape of restricted zones enforced throughout East Germany.
Applying archaeological analysis allows for reconstruction of a critical Cold War intelligence collection operation in a way that is not possible from archival records alone.
About Charlotte Yelamos
Charlotte Yelamos is a PhD researcher in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. She is an active member of King's Intelligence and Security Group (KISG) and runs the group's podcast series, Future Briefing, which discusses the future of war, security and international affairs with leading figures in the field.
While Charlotte is currently immersed in security and defence, her background is in archaeology, focusing on 20th century conflict. This offers a unique outlook on conflict and intelligence studies and an alternative approach to contemporary warfare.
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