British memorial at the UN cemetery in Korea
Over 1,100 British servicemen died while fighting alongside UN forces in the Korean War, resisting the invasion by North Korea and the subsequent involvement of China. Over 880 of those men are buried in the UN Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK).
In partnership with the UNMCK, Martin Uden has been writing biographies and seeking to collect photographs of the British servicemen buried at the only UN cemetery in the world.
In this poignant talk, Martin will tell the story of that project, highlighting some of the findings relating to these largely forgotten heroes.
Martin Uden was a British diplomat who served three times in the British Embassy in Seoul, including as Ambassador from 2008 to 2011. He is now Chairman of the British Korean Society and President of the British Korean War Veterans Association.
He wrote a historical introduction to ‘Korea: Caught in Time’ (2011), and published ‘Times Past in Korea’ (2003), based on his collection of books revealing foreign perspectives on Korea.