This guide explains how to make a loan request and outlines how the Museum will arrange and administer the loan. The Loans Out Conditions, which state the specific responsibilities and obligations of the borrower, should be read in conjunction with this page, along with our published Loans Out Policy.
For institutions considering the loan of items from NAM, preliminary enquiries can be made to
Once you have finalised your list, please write on your institution's headed notepaper to the Assistant Director (Collections) at NAM formally requesting the loan. Please ensure that you tell us:
Borrowers in the USA may submit a completed Standard Facility Report adopted by the Registrars Committee of the American Association of Museums.
To allow enough time to administer the loan, the Museum requires the final list of items needed to be received a minimum of six months in advance of the start date of the exhibition.
NAM will inform you in writing within 20 working days whether your request has been successful.
Please note that the requesting institution must be prepared to meet the costs of any inspection or other investigation by NAM of the proposed exhibition venue as part of its consideration of the loan request.
The Collections Standards and Care Manager, acting on behalf of the Director, formally approves all requests or extensions to loan periods.
Once approved, NAM will send you an estimate of the total costs involved in fulfilling your loan within 20 working days. These include but are not limited to framing, mounting, the preparation of condition reports, transport, packing and insurance. However, the Museum will work with the borrower to keep these costs to a minimum, such as not sending a courier unless a clear need is identified; undertaking only essential conservation; and sharing transport with other lenders if possible. NAM does not charge a loan administration fee, but reserves the right to do so for overseas borrowers. Where appropriate, we will discuss any customised or specific aspects of the NAM Loans Out Conditions.
Once the costs are finalised, a NAM Loan Out Agreement will be sent. This form must be signed, showing acceptance of our conditions together with the estimate and returned. Then work can begin on preparing the items requested for your exhibition.
NAM will always clearly state the reasons for refusing a loan, but may suggest alternative objects or other institutions that the borrower can approach.