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  • Chelsea, London
  • 10.00am - 5.30pm
  • FREE
  • Chelsea, London


Lieutenants Melville and Coghill saving the Colours at Isandlwana, 1879

Zulu War

In 1879, the British fought a war against the Zulu kingdom. The Zulus resisted bravely and were only defeated after a series of particularly bloody battles that have gone down in the annals of colonial warfare.

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Patrolling the Malayan jungle, 1950s

Malayan Emergency

The Malayan Emergency (1948-60) was one of the few successful counter-insurgency operations undertaken by the Western powers during the Cold War.

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The Duke of Wellington, c1820

Wellington: The Iron Duke

Whether you know him as Arthur Wellesley, the Iron Duke, or even Old Nosey, the Duke of Wellington is the British Army’s most famous commander.

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Lawrence of Arabia, 1919

Lawrence of Arabia: The man behind the robes

Few British soldiers have a greater legend attached to them than Colonel TE Lawrence - better known as Lawrence of Arabia.

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Marengo's skull

Marengo’s makeover

We sent Napoleon's horse Marengo to the Natural History Museum to prepare him for display in the new galleries.

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English pot helmet, 1640s

Battle of Naseby

Sir Thomas Fairfax led his troops to victory over King Charles I at the Battle of Naseby on 14 June 1645. His triumph won the First English Civil War (1642-46) for Parliament and ensured that monarchs would never again be supreme in British politics.

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Napoleon at Waterloo, 1815

Battle of Waterloo

The Battle of Waterloo was fought on 18 June 1815 between Napoleon’s French Army and a coalition led by the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blücher. It was the decisive battle of its age.

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The defence of Rorke’s Drift 22-23 January 1879

Defence of Rorke’s Drift

This battle took place on 22-23 January 1879. A huge force of Zulus attacked a small British garrison, but was eventually repelled after more than 12 hours of bitter fighting.

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Heavy guns on the Somme, 1916

Battle of the Somme

The 1916 Somme offensive was one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War. But it provided the Army with a tough lesson in how to fight a large-scale modern war.

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Battle of Normandy

Battle of Normandy

D-Day enabled the Allies to establish a foothold on the beaches of Normandy. But they still faced the task of breaking out, pushing the Germans back and liberating France.

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D-Day, 6 June 1944, marked the start of the Allied invasion of Normandy and was the greatest amphibious operation in history.

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A raiding party in a trench, 1916

First World War

The First World War (1914-18) was the first truly global conflict. The fighting took place on land, at sea and - for the first time - in the air.

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