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  • Chelsea, London
  • 10.00am - 5.30pm
  • FREE
  • Chelsea, London


Royal Army Temperance Association medal for 20 years' abstinence awarded to Private J H Smith, The Royal Munster Fusiliers, 1915 

‘Watch and Be Sober’: The story of Army temperance

This collection of Army temperance medals demonstrates the efforts made by officers and soldiers in the 19th and early 20th centuries to resist the temptation, and avoid the perils, of the demon drink.

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3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters) keeping fit on board HMT 'Orion' en route to Egypt, 1941

The Sale Collection: Voyaging to war

In the third instalment, we explore the exploits of the 3rd County of London Yeomanry in 1941 as they travel around Africa en route to the desert war in Egypt and Libya.

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Passing out parade at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, c1955

Sandhurst, officers and the role of history

The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst has trained the Army’s officers since 1802. For generations, its officer cadets have endeavoured to live up to the academy’s motto: ‘Serve to Lead’.

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Levison Wood (left) with his dad Lev Wood Senior

Levison Wood: My Grandfather’s War

Author and explorer Levison Wood discovers the story of his grandfather's wartime service in Burma through family memorabilia and National Army Museum archives.

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Gold 20 years' good conduct medal, 13th Regiment of Foot, c1825

Regimental medals

Before campaign medals, gallantry decorations and good conduct awards were introduced in the 19th century, many regiments rewarded outstanding service with their own ‘unofficial’ medals.

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‘The 1st Cruiser’, 3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), Surrey, November, 1940

The Sale Collection: Preparing for action

In the second instalment, we explore the wartime exploits of the 3rd County of London Yeomanry in 1940-41. During this time, the unit prepared for overseas deployment, training hard and getting to grips with a variety of armoured vehicles.

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Medical staff at Camp Bastion in Helmand, c2008

Army medics in Afghanistan

During the war in Afghanistan, Army medics at Camp Bastion Hospital treated thousands of wounded soldiers and civilians. Medical staff also provided vital support during patrols and combat operations.

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Lieutenant Jimmy Sale, 1941

The Sale Collection: Origins and early years

In the first instalment of this series, we learn about the origins of the 3rd County of London Yeomanry (Sharpshooters), its pre-war service and the outbreak of fighting in 1939.

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Queen Mary's Army Auxiliary Corps personnel with bread for the troops, 1918

An army marches on its stomach

To be effective, an army relies on good and plentiful food, especially on campaign. British Army food has evolved through the ages, ranging from bully beef and biscuits to veggie curries.

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Female prisoners after their liberation, Belsen, April 1945

The liberation of Belsen

As the British Army advanced into the heart of Nazi Germany in the spring of 1945, its soldiers were confronted with the full horrors of the Holocaust at the notorious Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.

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Crimean War Victoria Cross recovered from the River Thames foreshore in 2015

The mystery of the Thames VC

A Victoria Cross found on the shores of the River Thames in 2015 is the subject of an ongoing mystery. Now, research has narrowed down the list of possible owners to two heroic soldiers of the Crimean War.

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Victoria Crosss

The Victoria Cross

The Victoria Cross is one of the highest awards a soldier can receive. It requires an act of extreme bravery in the presence of the enemy, and has achieved almost mythical status, with each award accompanied by an inspiring tale of gallantry and daring.

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"First time @NAM_London today. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Thought the presentation & interpretation made the subject accessible..."