Boer War

Explore Boer War stories

British troops in the Transvaal, 1881

Transvaal War

In 1880-81, the British fought a brief war against the Transvaal Boers in South Africa. The Boers were resistant to Britain's annexation of their territory and went on to inflict several stinging defeats during their successful fight for independence.

‘Welcome to the Irish Republic, Sir!’ A British infantry patrol lost on the border with Northern Ireland, 1988

Timeline: Ireland and the British Army

The British Army has played a central role in the long history of conflict and co-operation between Britain and Ireland. Here we explore some of the key moments in this difficult but fascinating story.

A gun of the Elswick Battery during the advance from Lydenburg to Watervalonder, 1900

Boer War artillery volunteers

A rare Boer War naval gun, one of only three of its type remaining in Britain, sheds light on the largely unknown role of artillery volunteers in the South African war.

Saving the guns at Colenso, 15 December 1899

Boer War

Between 1899 and 1902, the British Army fought a bitter colonial war against the Boers in South Africa. After initial setbacks and a long period of guerrilla warfare, the British eventually prevailed, but not without adopting controversial tactics.

General Sir Frederick Sleigh Roberts, 1894

Frederick Roberts: Bobs

Field Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts was one of Britain’s most successful military commanders of the 19th century, winning victories during the Second Afghan War and revitalising the British campaign in the Boer War. 

General Herbert Kitchener, 1899

Herbert Kitchener: The taskmaster

Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener was famous for colonial victories in the Sudan and South Africa. Later, he helped build Britain’s first mass army during the First World War.

‘A Welcome Arrival’, 1857

Drawn on the spot: War artists and the illustrated press

In Victorian Britain, it was the news of war rather than celebrity scandal that boosted the sale of newspapers.

Jimson the mule

Britain’s most highly decorated mule

Jimson was the beloved mascot of 2nd Battalion, The Middlesex Regiment. He was 'awarded' medals for service in India and the Boer War.

Explore Boer War learning resources

Outside an advanced dressing station at Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, Western Front, April 1917

Health and Medicine in the Army: Interactive Timeline

Uncover the history of medical developments in the British Army through this interactive timeline packed with nearly 200 sources.

Recruiting leaflet, Army Cadet Force, 1991

Army Cadets: Interactive Timeline

Explore the history of the British Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force through this interactive timeline. 

Operation Science: Supply Drop

Operation Science: Supply Drop

Explore the science behind parachutes and see how well Brussel sprouts can fly in this festive-themed video.