Soldier Stories: Sister Evelyn Morgan

Meet characters, both real and imagined, from the Army’s past and hear their amazing stories in our galleries.
Sister Evelyn Morgan character actor
Meet characters, both real and imagined, from the Army’s past and hear their amazing stories in our galleries.

See history come to life in front of your eyes each Sunday with our 20-minute character actor performances.

Meet Sister Evelyn Morgan, a nurse newly arrived in France as part of the 1944 Normandy Landings. Listen as she prepares a field hospital and gets ready to treat wounded soldiers. 

Meet outside Soldier gallery five minutes before the following performance times:

  • 11.00am - 11.20am
  • 12.00pm - 12.20pm
  • 1.30pm - 1.50pm
  • 2.30pm - 2.50pm

Family drop-in activities are limited and available on a first come, first served basis.

Suitable for children aged 7+. All children must be accompanied by an adult.