First World War

1st Reserve Regiment of Cavalry in training, 1914

Cavalry on the Western Front

In the First World War, the cavalry could no longer deliver the decisive charges it had performed in the past. But it continued to carry out a variety of useful roles that contributed to British success.

Horses carrying ammunition, c1917

Horse power in the First World War

Without its hard-working horses, the Army could not have functioned during the First World War. Their contribution included carrying and pulling supplies, ammunition, artillery and even the wounded.

Stables of The Buffs, 1914

Army horse care in the First World War

During the First World War, the Army relied on its horses to perform a wide range of jobs. The requisition, transportation and care of these animals was therefore of huge importance.

General Jan Smuts, 1918

Jan Smuts: The warrior-statesman

Field Marshal Jan Christiaan Smuts successfully led troops against Britain in the Boer War. He later commanded the South African Defence Force fighting alongside British soldiers in several First World War campaigns.

The Cenotaph in Whitehall, 1919

Peace and commemoration

After the Armistice in November 1918, millions of soldiers hoped they would soon go home. But demobilising so many troops was a huge task. How best to mark the Allied victory also became a subject for debate.

Celtic plaid brooch taken from the body of a Sinn Féin rebel, 1916

Easter Rising

On Easter Monday 1916, Irish nationalists launched an armed revolt against British rule in Ireland. Although quickly suppressed by the British Army, the rising was a seminal moment in modern Irish history.

British and Gurkha troops, 1917

Egypt and Palestine campaign

The struggle against the Turks in Egypt and Palestine began with a test of endurance and engineering in harsh desert terrain. It evolved into a fast-moving mobile campaign, which resulted in Allied victory and the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

Warrington Road in the Ypres Salient, 1917

1917: Year of stalemate

In 1917, Germany adopted a defensive strategy on the Western Front to counter the growing strength of the Allies. Despite launching several offensives, and suffering heavy casualties, the Allies achieved mixed results.

General Herbert Kitchener, 1899

Herbert Kitchener: The taskmaster

Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener was famous for colonial victories in the Sudan and South Africa. Later, he helped build Britain’s first mass army during the First World War.

Carved figure of a sergeant of the King's African Rifles, 1917

East Africa campaign

Throughout the First World War, British Empire soldiers fought against a small German force in East Africa. Led by Colonel Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, the Germans inflicted many casualties and avoided defeat in the field.

Turkish prisoners after General Brooking's victory at Ramadi, September 1917

Mesopotamia campaign

During 1914-18, British troops fought the Turks in Mesopotamia. After many setbacks, they finally took Baghdad in March 1917. This marked the high point of a long and tragic campaign fought in a harsh climate.

March past of the South Persia Rifles, c1918 

Persia mission

In June 1916, a British military mission began recruiting a local force in neutral Persia. Its goal was to bolster Allied interests and prevent enemy influence in the region.

Explore First World War events

School students getting to grips with the handling collection
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Trench medicine: Illnesses, injuries and their treatment

Explore artefacts and sources on the causes and treatment of injuries and illnesses on the Western Front during the First World War, and assess the impact of these innovations.

School students getting to grips with the handling collection
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

World at War: Soldiers of Empire

Discover more about the contributions of soldiers from the British Empire in the First and Second World Wars.

Mission accomplished? Comparing First World War battles
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Mission accomplished? Examining First World War battles

Investigate four key battles through primary sources and decide whether they can be considered victories or defeats.

Part of a First World War propaganda poster showing a soldier and a munitions worker
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Your Country Needs You! Propaganda and recruitment (virtual)

Explore how advertising and propaganda work, particularly focusing on recruitment campaigns of the First World War.

School children taking part in a Remembrance workshop
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Poppies to remember?

Discover some of the stories of Remembrance held by the Museum, the evolution of the poppy as a symbol, and how it is used today.

Soldier in Afghan poppy field, 2009
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Poppies to remember? (virtual)

Discover some of the stories of Remembrance held by the Museum, the evolution of the poppy as a symbol, and how it is used today.

Recruitment and conscription
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Recruitment and conscription

Analyse recruitment posters from the Museum's collection and multimedia recreations of First World War parliamentary debates to explore the history of Army recruitment and conscription.

A British medical orderly treats a wounded German soldier, c1916
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Trench medicine: Illnesses, injuries and their treatment (virtual)

Explore artefacts and sources on the causes and treatment of injuries and illnesses on the Western Front during the First World War, and assess the impact of these innovations.

Your Country Needs You! Propaganda and recruitment
1 Jun 2024 - 18 Jul 2025 FREE

Your Country Needs You! Propaganda and recruitment

Explore how advertising and propaganda work, particularly focusing on recruitment campaigns of the First World War.

'Burying the Enemy' book cover
28 Mar 2025 FREE

Burying the Enemy

Join Professor Tim Grady as he shares some poignant examples of British and German communities burying the war dead of their enemy during times of conflict.

Walter Tull character actor
30 Mar 2025 FREE

Soldier Stories: Walter Tull

Meet characters, both real and imagined, from the Army’s past and hear their amazing stories in our galleries.

For King and Country book cover
16 May 2025 FREE

For King and Country: The Role of Patriotism in Mobilisation in the First World War

During the First World War, patriotism played a significant role on the British Home Front. Enlistment is a known outcome of patriotism, but patriotism also led to self-mobilisation into other efforts at home.

Explore First World War learning resources

Walter Tull character actor

Walter Tull: A Soldier’s Story

Explore the life and times of Walter Tull, one of Britain’s first black army officers, who served during the First World War.

Soldiers of the British West Indies Regiment, France, 1916

West Indian Soldier: Interactive Timeline

Explore the history of Caribbean people in the British Army, and of the British Army in the Caribbean, through an interactive timeline.

Women of the West Indies Auxiliary Territorial Service, c1944

Virtual Exhibition: West Indian Soldier

Explore the history of Caribbean people in the British Army, and of the British Army in the Caribbean, through this virtual tour of the West Indian Soldier exhibition.

BlackPoppyRose at the National Army Museum

BlackPoppyRose at the National Army Museum

Explore the theme of remembrance and the service of African and Caribbean men and women in the British Army with BlackPoppyRose.

Indian Army troops travelling upstream on a barge, Mesopotamia, c1916

India, Empire and the Army: Interactive Timeline

Explore the history of the British Army in India and the British Empire's Indian armies through this interactive timeline packed with over 200 sources.

Poppies and Remembrance: Gallery Trail

Poppies and Remembrance: Gallery Trail

Follow this gallery trail to find out more about Remembrance and the lives of soldiers during the First World War.

History of Warfare: Gallery Trail

History of Warfare: Gallery Trail

Follow the trail to find ten gallery objects that explore the nature of warfare and the British Army through time.

First World War: Gallery Trail

First World War: Gallery Trail

Follow this gallery trail to find out more about the role of the British Army during the First World War.

Outside an advanced dressing station at Tilloy-les-Mofflaines, Western Front, April 1917

Health and Medicine in the Army: Interactive Timeline

Uncover the history of medical developments in the British Army through this interactive timeline packed with nearly 200 sources.

Recruiting leaflet, Army Cadet Force, 1991

Army Cadets: Interactive Timeline

Explore the history of the British Army Cadet Force and the Combined Cadet Force through this interactive timeline. 

Make Your Own Remembrance Wreath
Home Activity

Make Your Own Remembrance Wreath

Explore the history of the poppy and create your own remembrance wreath in this family friendly activity.

Operation Science: Supply Drop

Operation Science: Supply Drop

Explore the science behind parachutes and see how well Brussel sprouts can fly in this festive-themed video.